
1. The Noninvasive Assessment of Vascular Aging
Author Information Laurent S, Marais L, Boutouyrie P. Abstract The growing interest in the clinical measurement of arterial aging through...
109 Ansichten0 Kommentare

2. Invasive validation of a new oscillometric device (Arteriograph)
Titel: Invasive validation of a new oscillometric device (Arteriograph) for measuring augmentation index, central blood pressure and...
129 Ansichten0 Kommentare

3. Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables
Title: Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables Using an Oscillometric Method. Author Information...
60 Ansichten0 Kommentare

4. Invasive validation of arteriograph estimates of central blood pressure in patients
Title: Invasive validation of arteriograph estimates of central blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes. Author Information...
47 Ansichten0 Kommentare

5. The prognostic value of arterial stiffness in systolic heart failure.
Author Information Demir S, Akpınar O, Akkus O, Nas K, Unal I, Molnar F, Demir A, Illyés M, Acartürk E. Abstract BACKGROUND: Increased...
41 Ansichten0 Kommentare

6. Evaluation of arterial stiffness for predicting future cardiovascular events
Titel: Evaluation of arterial stiffness for predicting future cardiovascular events in patients with ST segment elevation and non-ST...
41 Ansichten0 Kommentare

7. Comparison of two noninvasive devices for measurement of central systolic blood pressure
Title: Comparison of two noninvasive devices for measurement of central systolic blood pressure with invasive measurement during cardiac...
20 Ansichten0 Kommentare

8. Development and validation of a novel method to derive central aortic systolic pressure
Title: Development and validation of a novel method to derive central aortic systolic pressure from the radial pressure waveform using an...
21 Ansichten0 Kommentare

9. Central aortic blood pressure and augmentation index
Title: Central aortic blood pressure and augmentation index: comparison between Vasotens® and SphygmoCor® technology Author Information...
22 Ansichten0 Kommentare

10. Noninvasive Estimation of Aortic Stiffness Through Different Approaches.
Author Information Salvi P, Scalise F, Rovina M, Moretti F, Salvi L, Grillo A,, Gao L, Baldi C, Faini A, Furlanis G, Sorropago A,...
25 Ansichten0 Kommentare