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Schiller BR-102 PLUS PWA

The device of Schiller is a user-independent, simple and fast single upper-arm diastolic cuff pressure-based method.
Schiller BR-102 PULS PWA uses the same algorithm (ARCSolver) available in Mobil-o-Graph (18). Aus diesem Grund verweisen wir auf die einschlägigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zu Mobil-o-Graph.
It delivers unreliable PWVao measurement (ARC Solver Algorithm). The measured PWVao correlates 99% with age and SBP indicating no real PWVao measurement (19,20,21).
The SBPao is validated invasively (22).
The device uses non-validated generalized transfer function (GTF) (18).
**No paper is available about invasive AIXao validation.
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