Welcome to Pulse Wave Analysis
Thank you for visiting PulseWaveAnalysis. The purpose of this website is to inform you about non-invasive methods of measuring central blood pressure, augmentationindex and puls wave velocity. To provide you with transparent and independent information, the content of the website strictly follows guidelines for
We judge and conclude about the measured parameters based on their applicability of the daily routine clinical use and/or research purposes.
Our literature search is based on the Pubmed database, because it is one of the most widely accessible and acceptable resource globally.
The selection of PWA devices were chosen based on literature research on Pubmed and are devices measuring at least one of the central parameters.
The list of PWA devices are alphabetically ranked. The ranking is completely independent from the capabilities of the device.
The device’s measured parameters are not based on the claims of the manufacturer but solely on the data available from the scientific literature.
It is our goal to keep the information on this website up to date. Feel free to get in touch with us for any updates, changes or requests.
We preferred invasive validation studies, because during non-invasive comparisons the repeatability & reproducibility of the devices is not provided.
This website including the list of devices and the scientific literature research was done by independent doctors and professors using PWA devices.